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HomePrivacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 31st August, 2023.

1. Introduction

Welcome to DopeSaas Inc. (“DopeSaas,” “we,” “us,” or “our”). This Privacy Policy is meticulously crafted to elucidate the principles underlying the collection, utilization, disclosure, and protection of your personal information. As a software-as-a-service (SaaS) provider, we recognize the paramount importance of safeguarding your privacy rights and are devoted to maintaining the highest standards of data protection in compliance with prevailing data protection laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

This Privacy Policy governs your interaction with our SaaS platform and associated services (“Services”). By accessing and utilizing our Services, you unequivocally signify your agreement to the practices outlined in this policy.

2. Information Collected

In pursuit of furnishing exceptional Services, we gather an array of information:

  • User Account Information: Upon registration, we procure information such as your name, email address, username, and password. These details facilitate the creation and management of your account, ensuring your seamless access to our Services and facilitating pertinent communications.

  • Payment Information: To facilitate transactions related to subscription plans or other acquisitions, we gather billing particulars, which encompass credit card data. The processing of this sensitive information transpires through reputable payment partners, and we refrain from retaining complete credit card numbers on our servers.

  • Usage and Analytics Data: During your interaction with our Services, we amass data pertaining to your interactions, including log data, device specifics, browser attributes, and pages visited. This trove of information underpins our analytical endeavors, enabling us to discern usage patterns, diagnose technical anomalies, and refine your overall experience.

  • Communication Data: Correspondences initiated with us through diverse channels and support interactions are collated. This includes email exchanges, chat transcripts, and inquiries lodged with our customer support. The compilation of this data facilitates efficient communication and query resolution.

  • User-Provided Information: In a bid to enhance your experience, we extend the option for you to voluntarily furnish supplementary data. This may encompass profile images, personal preferences, and user-generated content.

3. Legal Basis for Processing

Our processing of your personal information rests on legal foundations that reflect the evolving landscape of data protection:

  • Consent: Certain instances necessitate your unequivocal consent for the processing of your data. An exemplar is the utilization of your data for targeted marketing communications.

  • Contractual Necessity: The processing of your information becomes indispensable for fulfilling contractual obligations. Such instances encompass the provisioning of access to our Services in accordance with the stipulations embedded in our terms of use.

  • Legal Obligations: The processing of data may be mandated by legal obligations, including tax obligations and responsive actions to lawful directives issued by regulatory authorities.

  • Legitimate Interests: Our processing activities may be grounded in legitimate business interests, with due regard to the primacy of your privacy rights.

4. Use of Information

The utilization of your personal information resonates with our commitment to delivering superior Services and engendering a robust user experience. Our employment of your data encompasses:

  • Provision and Enhancement of Services: Your data assumes a pivotal role in the provisioning, operation, and enhancement of our Services. This encompasses the orchestration of account creation, user authentication, and the conferment of access to features.

  • Communication with Users: The data repository we maintain facilitates streamlined communications concerning pertinent updates, notifications, and responses to your queries. This ensures that you remain apprised of alterations to our Services and are well-informed with respect to relevant developments.

  • Customization of User Experience: By capitalizing on your preferences and engagement patterns, we can tailor your user experience to align with your proclivities, thereby endowing you with content and features that resonate with your preferences.

  • Marketing and Promotions: With your unambiguous consent, we might extend marketing communications encompassing information about our Services, exclusive offers, promotions, and surveys. You maintain the prerogative to opt out of such communications at your discretion.

  • Legal Compliance: Certain data processing activities are executed to adhere to legal obligations, including tax compliance and the discharge of responsive actions in accordance with legal mandates.

  • Data Analytics: We scrutinize usage patterns, user conduct, and trends to iteratively enhance our Services, pinpoint technical aberrations, and optimize user engagement.

  • Aggregated and Anonymized Data: The practice of aggregating and anonymizing data is integral to our pursuit of research, analytics, and statistical analyses. This data, by virtue of its de-identified nature, does not facilitate personal identification.

5. Data Retention

The retention of your personal information adheres to the precept of necessity, dictating that data shall be retained for the duration essential to realize the objectives encapsulated within this Privacy Policy, unless an extended retention period is necessitated by prevailing law.

  • User Entitlement to Erasure: Your prerogative to requisition the erasure of your personal information is acknowledged. This provision is circumscribed by certain exceptions, engendered by the necessity to retain data for legitimate business purposes.

  • Exceptions to Erasure: The elimination of certain data may be curtailed by circumstances obligating the retention of data for legitimate business interests, legal compliance, dispute resolution, or the enforcement of binding agreements.

6. User Rights

As a data subject, you are endowed with distinct rights in relation to your personal information:

  • Right to Access: You are empowered to invoke your right of access, thereby soliciting an exposition of the personal information under our custodianship. This information shall be rendered to you in a comprehensible format.

  • Right to Rectification: The right to rectification bestows upon you the prerogative to request the amendment of inaccurate or incomplete data. Such corrections shall be effected without undue delay.

  • Right to Erasure: The right to erasure avails you the opportunity to petition for the expurgation of your personal information under specific circumstances, such as when the data ceases to serve the purpose for which it was amassed.

  • Right to Restriction of Processing: The right to restrict processing confers upon you the capacity to curtail certain processing activities, especially when contesting the accuracy of data or objecting to the legality of processing.

  • Right to Data Portability: At your behest, we shall transmit your personal information to you or a designated entity in a structured, machine-readable format, engendering the seamless portability of data.

  • Right to Object: The right to object empowers you to dissent against particular types of processing, encompassing instances of direct marketing.

  • Exercising User Rights: The realization of the aforementioned rights necessitates the lodging of formal requests. Kindly contact us via the communication details stipulated in Section 15. We pledge to furnish responses in conformity with the temporal strictures enshrined within relevant regulations.

7. Sharing and Disclosure

The tenets that govern the sharing and disclosure of your personal information are rooted in transparency, circumspection, and compliance with legal imperatives:

  • Engagement of Service Providers: We enlist third-party service providers to partake in diverse business functions, encompassing payment processing, hosting, analytics, and customer support. These entities are extended access to your information solely to undertake assigned tasks on our behalf.

  • Business Partners and Affiliates: Our engagement with business partners and affiliates may occasion data sharing for purposes of collaborative marketing initiatives or the provision of integrated services. Such data transfers remain consonant with the contours of this Privacy Policy.

  • Adherence to Legal Mandates: We may disclose information in response to legal obligations, which may entail compliance with subpoenas, court orders, or other legally sanctioned directives from regulatory authorities.

  • Change of Corporate Control: In the event of a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, your personal information may be effectuated as part of the transaction, warranting the transfer of such data to the acquiring entity.

8. International Data Transfers

The globalization of data flow may entail the international transfer of your personal information to jurisdictions that diverge in their data protection regimes. When effectuating such transfers, we incorporate suitable safeguards to assure the security and confidentiality of your information.

9. Security Measures

We are steadfast in our dedication to preserving the integrity and security of your personal information. This commitment is materialized through a spectrum of robust security measures:

  • Data Security Practices: We avow our allegiance to industry-standard security practices, which are meticulously devised to mitigate the risks of unauthorized access, disclosure, or alteration of your data.

  • SSL Encryption: Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption stands as a bulwark against data interception during transmission between your device and our servers.

  • Access Controls: Our data management architecture incorporates stringent access controls that confine access to personal information to authorized personnel exclusively, in consonance with the tenets of the principle of least privilege.

  • Incident Response Mechanisms: Our operational readiness encompasses the implementation of structured procedures for responding to data security incidents. These protocols expedite the detection, containment, and resolution of security breaches.

10. Cookies and Similar Technologies

In pursuit of enhancing your interaction with our platform, we harness cookies and kindred technologies that provide us insights into your engagement dynamics. Cookies, minute text files that inhabit your device, facilitate the orchestration of a more tailored user experience.

  • Varieties of Cookies Employed: Our usage spans session cookies, transitory entities that expire when you conclude your browsing session, and persistent cookies, entities that endure on your device for a designated span.

  • Cookie Management and Preferences: The management of cookie preferences finds its anchorage in your browser settings. It is important to acknowledge that disabling cookies may impact the extent of your engagement experience on our website.

  • Response to Do Not Track Signals: At present, our Services do not respond to the signals conveyed through the Do Not Track feature in browsers.

11. Children’s Privacy

Our Services are meticulously designed to cater exclusively to individuals above the age of 18. We eschew the collection of personal information from individuals below this age threshold without the documented consent of their guardians. Should we inadvertently accumulate data from a minor, we shall expedite its immediate deletion.

12. GDPR Compliance

We hereby affirm our unwavering commitment to align our processing activities with the tenets enshrined in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

  • Designation of Data Controller and Data Protection Officer: Any queries or concerns pertaining to your personal data or this Privacy Policy can be directed to our Data Protection Officer, accessible via the communication details provided herein.

  • User Rights under GDPR: Your rights encompassing data access, rectification, erasure, processing restriction, data portability, and objection are extant. Furthermore, you retain the prerogative to petition regulatory supervisory authorities in the event of perceived transgressions.

  • Legal Basis for Processing under GDPR: Our processing of personal data subsists within the contours of the legal bases delineated in Section 3 of this Privacy Policy.

13. Additional Clauses

  • Lifetime Deal Users Clause: Recipients of lifetime deals are subject to the stipulations contained within the terms and conditions attendant to the respective deal. The prerogative to modify or terminate such deals, premised on specific exigencies, is expressly reserved.

  • Account Reselling Clause: The proscription of account reselling is unequivocal. The accounts engendered within our ecosystem are devoid of transferability and are intrinsically inalienable. Breach of this clause engenders the risk of account suspension or termination.

  • IP Hopping Clause: The practice of IP hopping, characterized by the recurrent manipulation of IP addresses to elude security measures, is unequivocally proscribed. Our operational framework is fortified with measures engineered to detect and thwart such activities.

14. Changes to Privacy Policy

We retain the prerogative to effectuate amendments to this Privacy Policy in consonance with shifting practices and legal obligations. In instances of material alterations, we pledge to provide conspicuous notice and, when mandated by relevant regulations, obtain your informed consent.

15. Contact Information

For clarifications, queries, or requests pertaining to your personal data or this Privacy Policy, please direct your communication to We are dedicated to expediting the resolution of your inquiries with diligence and transparency.

16. Governing Law

This Privacy Policy is entrenched within the parameters of the laws governing the state of Wyoming, United States.

17. Dispute Resolution

The settlement of disputes arising from this Privacy Policy shall adhere to the prescribed mechanisms elucidated within our Terms of Service.

18. Effective Date

This Privacy Policy, as hereby delineated, assumes operative efficacy as of 31st August, 2023.